ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΗ:Κρήτης 32, 10439 Αθήνα
Ε-MAIL: csimou@biol.uoa.gr, chrisa_s@yahoo.com
1/2/04-ως σήμερα: Yποψηφια διδάκτορας στο Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών, Tμήμα Βιολογίας, Τομέας Φυσιολογίας Ανθρώπου και Ζώων.
1/5/02 – 28/1/04 : Master by research στη δερματολογία του σκύλου, στο Τμήμα Κτηνιατρικής, Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Medicine, The University of Edinburgh, Scotland.
22\3\2001: Αποφοίτηση από το Τμήμα Κτηνιατρικής, της Σχολής Επιστημών Υγείας και Πρόνοιας, του Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλίας, με βαθμό Λίαν Καλώς 6.51
1\2\2000-30\5\2000: σπουδες με το πρόγραμμα Socrates\Erasmus στο Βασιλικό Κτηνιατρικό και Αγροτικό Πανεπιστήμιο(KVL) της Κοπεγχάγης ,στον τομέα των κλινικών(Ζώων Συντροφιάς ,Παραγωγικών Ζώων, Μαιευτικής και Αναπαραγωγής).
Αριστη γνώση Αγγλικής
Kαλή γνώση Ισπανικής
Word, Excel, Minitab, SPSS, PowerPoint
9\2001 – εώς σήμερα: Εργάστηκε σε Ιατρεία Μικρών Ζώων και από το 2006 εργάζεται στο προσωπικό της ιατρείο.
10\2001: Υποτροφία από το Ίδρυμα Τριανταφυλλίδη για μεταπτυχιακές σπουδές στο εξωτερικό
Pafilis P, Foufopoulos J, Lymberakis P, Poulakakis N, Simoy C, Valakos ED. Relationships between predation pressure, tail loss performance and energetics of post-autotomy movement in continental and insular populations. 5ο International Symposium on the Lacertids of the Mediterranean Basin (Lipari, Italy), May 2004
Pafilis P., Simou C., Foufopoulos J., Lymberakis P., Poulakakis N. and E.D. Valakos. The impact of predation pressure on tail autotomy. 2d Congress of Hellenic Ecological Society. Mytilini, Lesvos Isl., November 2004
Simou C., Kourkouli A., Solomou A., Pafilis P. and E.D. Valakos. The effect of caudal regeneration on the physiological performance of Greek lacertid lizards. 27th Pan Hellenic Conference of HSBS. Nafplio, May 2005.
R. Farmaki, C.Simou, E.Papadopoulos, M. Saridomichelakis, A.F. Koutinas. Investigation into the effectiveness of a 0.25% Fipronik spray for the treatment of hirtiellosis in the green iguana: a clinical trial. 20th Annual Congress of the ESVD-ECVD (European Society of Veterinary Dermatology-European College of Veterinary Dermatology) (Chalkidiki, Greece), September 2005
C.Simou, K.L.Thoday, P.J. Forsythe and P.B Hill. Adherence of Staphylococcus intermedius to corneocytes of healthy and atopic dogs: effect f pyoderma, pruritus score, treatment and gender. 20th Annual Congress of the ESVD-ECVD (European Society of Veterinary Dermatology-European College of Veterinary Dermatology) (Chalkidiki, Greece), September 2005
Simou Ch., P. Pafilis, A. Solomou, A. Kourkouli and E.D. Valakos. Regeneration of the lizard tail: Some interesting factors. 13th Ordinary General Meeting of Societas Europea Herpetologica, Bonn, Germany, September 2005.
Simou, C., Skella, A., Pafilis, P. and E.D. Valakos. Physiology of original and regenerated tails. 10th Congress of Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece. Patras, June 2006.
Pafilis P., Adamopoulos C., Skella A., Simou C. and E.D. Valakos. Tail loss in juvenile lacertid lizards from Greece. 28th Pan Hellenic Conference of HSBS. Ioannina, May 2006.
Therapi P., Skella A., Simou Ch., Pafilis P. and E.D. Valakos. Insularity and population density as interfering factors to caudal regeneration. 29th Pan Hellenic Conference of HSBS. Kavala, May 2007.
Tsasi G., Simou Ch., Pafilis P., Foufopoulos J. and E.D. Valakos. The impact of parasitism on caudal regeneration in the Aegean wall lizard (Podarcis erhardii). 29th Pan Hellenic Conference of HSBS. Kavala, May 2007.
SIMOU, C., FORSYTHE, P.J., HILL, P.B. and THODAY, K.L., 2004. Supporting Original Study 27: Adherence of Staphylococcus intermedius to canine corneocytes involves a protein-protein interaction that is sensitive to trypsin but resistant to cold. Veterinary dermatology, 15(s1), pp. 18-19.
SIMOU, C., HILL, P.B., FORSYTHE, P.J. and THODAY, K.L., 2005. Species specificity in the adherence of staphylococci to canine and human corneocytes: a preliminary study. Veterinary dermatology, 16(3), pp. 156-161.
SIMOU, C., THODAY, K.L., FORSYTHE, P.J. and HILL, P.B., 2005. Adherence of Staphylococcus intermedius to corneocytes of healthy and atopic dogs: effect of pyoderma, pruritus score, treatment and gender. Veterinary dermatology, 16(6), pp. 385-391.
Pafilis, P. & C. Simou (2006). The southernmost geographic distribution of Podarcis erhardii. Herpetological Review 37(2): 361-362
VALAKOS, E.D., KOURKOULI, A., SKOPELITI, M., PAFILIS, P., POULAKAKIS, N., VOUTSAS, I.F., LYMBERAKIS, P., SIMOU, C., VOELTER, W. and TSITSILONIS, O.E., 2007. Combining immunological and molecular data to assess phylogenetic relations of some Greek Podarcis species. Comparative biochemistry and physiology Part B, Biochemistry & molecular biology, 147(1), pp. 1-10.
Simou, C., Skella, A., Kourkouli, A., Pafilis, P. & E. D. Valakos (2006). Physiology of original and regenerated tails in Cycladian Wall Lizard (Podarcis erhardii). Copeia. 2008 (3): 504-509